About Mr Andrew Clarke: Andrew currently lives in Wimborne, Dorset with his wife and three children. Andrew trained in the North West. A year in gynaecology fuelled a sub-specialist interest in pelvic floor surgery. In 1992 he joined the professorial unit at Hope Hospital in Manchester and gained the FRCS in 1993. He rotated through many of the major centres in the region in higher surgical training including the Christie Hospital Cancer Institute. An MD thesis for work on tumour blood flow in bowel cancer was awarded in 2000. After a brief period working in America, he took up the position of consultant surgeon at Manchester Royal Infirmary in January 2002.
In 2004 Andrew relocated to Poole in Dorset. He introduced laparoscopic surgery within the unit and developed a large practice in laparoscopic hernia surgery. He introduced HALO treatment for haemorrhoids which has since become the most widely used day-case operation for this condition locally. In addition, he has led the development of a pelvic floor service in Poole and subsequently UHD (University Hospitals Dorset) as Poole and Bournemouth hospital units merged. He introduced a sacral nerve stimulation treatment for faecal and urinary incontinence. He was the first to deliver a pelvic floor clinic in conjunction with pelvic floor physiotherapists and introduced multi-disciplinary (MDT) meetings to discuss management pathways for patients with functional pelvic floor pathology. He continues to lead the monthly meetings attended by all specialities including radiology and gynaecology that have sub-speciality interests in this field. More recently he has provided a service in Dorchester and achieved a pan-Dorset network. The work in developing such a unit was referenced as best practice in the merger recommendations to create UHD.
About Mr Andrew Clarkes Research
MD Thesis (January 1996 – March 1998)
‘Tumour angiogenesis in colorectal cancer’ Synopsis
Travelling Fellowship – U.S.A (2001)
Awards received from The Ethicon Travelling Fellowship and The Kenneth Bloor Memorial Fellowship (Manchester Medical Society) sponsored the three month sabbatical. I worked with Professor Goldberg in Minneapolis, Minnesota for the first month. This prestigious unit is regarded as the founder of modern colorectal surgery in America. The second month I spent working at Professor Wexner’s unit in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The Cleveland Clinic was exceptionally useful in particular for understanding the evaluation and treatment of faecal incontinence / evacuatory disorders and for laparoscopic procedures in colorectal surgery.
Consultant Appointments
2004 – present Consultant Surgeon, at Poole Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
2002 – 2004 Consultant Surgeon, Manchester Royal Infirmary, Oxford Road, Manchester
Honorary Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester